The online study group program has focused on the two main branches of practice according to the Nalanda tradition: emptiness, the nature of reality; and the path of the bodhisattva. These two trainings, practiced and brought into our lives overtime, are the means to attain enlightenment. Yet, as His Holiness says in the introduction section of Path to Bliss, if the Dharma remains only conceptual and does not become our experience, its actual value may not be realized. His Holiness often teaches that the essence of Dharma practice is to discipline our mind. In order to discipline our mind and bring the Dharma into experience, we now will learn about and practice concentration.
Any number of objects can be taken as a focal point for training in single-pointed meditation. However, as His Holiness explains in The Gelug/Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra, taking the mind itself as the object of focus has special significance. Using the conventional nature of the mind - the qualities of clarity and knowing - as the object of meditation, we experience a similitude of the meditations we will practice in the advanced stages of tantra. There are other benefits as well. As we become familiar with and aware of our mind, we come to understand what mind is, and its primary role in our experiences of happiness and suffering.
The eight-week course on nature of mind meditation will present resources that explain this extraordinary approach to concentration, and methods to attain single-pointed focus and, eventually, samatha itself. Our readings will support and be supported by hourlong meditation sessions that will take place twice a week. The sessions will be open to all participants, and everyone is expected to attend at least one weekly group meditation session.
Dates: May 8 to July 3, 2021
A one hour initial, introductory meeting for all participants will take place on Friday, May 7.
Groups that agree to meet on Friday or Saturday might want to change the date of the last class, which would be scheduled for July 2 or 3, due to the July 4th weekend. Those classes can be held earlier in the week, or on the following Monday or Tuesday, July 5 or 6. A final meeting for all participants will take place on the July 6 or 7.
1. Introduction to the Nature of Mind -- Weeks 1 & 2
2. Developing Concentration/Samadhi on the Conventional Nature of Mind -- Week 3 – 8
Study groups enable active learning through sharing individual exploration of Dharma teachings with other sangha members. The group is like a sounding board for trying out new ideas or work toward clarification of difficult points. The sharing of unique insights promotes learning from one another. Each person can express their understanding of their readings, contemplations, and meditations. Interpretations and experiences will vary, and that is to be expected and encouraged. Discussing differences offers opportunities to uncover the richness of the teachings and broaden our view of the practices.
Each participant will be a member of an online group that we hope will have at least five and at the most seven people. Each topic will be studied and contemplated over a two-week period.
During the first week of a two-week section, each participant will read the assigned teachings for the topic and meditate on them. Then the group members will meet online to discuss the readings and share their contemplations.
During the second week, the individual participants will continue studying, contemplating, and meditating the topic to deepen their understanding and experience. At the end of the second week, each group will meet online with either Francis or Jean. Each participant will make a short presentation (around 10 minutes) about the topic and their meditations on it. There will also be a Q& A session.
The following week, the participants will begin a new topic and follow the same procedure until all the topics have been completed.
Francis and Jean will individually meet on an alternating schedule with each group and with the meditation groups as well.
A schedule will be set up by the groups already in place, though groups are free to re-form. Once formed, the group will choose a meeting day and time and let us know.
Each group must meet once a week, but can meet more often.
Groups should assign one person as a facilitator at the start of the first meeting. That role can be retained by the original person, or rotate among group members from topic to topic. Facilitators will begin each meeting with refuge and bodhicitta recitations, and end the meeting by dedicating merit. They also keep the meetings moving and keep things on time, and they are responsible for having the group agree on decisions that may have to be made.
In addition, one or more persons in the group will be responsible for setting up the Zoom meetings for the group and sending out the invitations to Zoom to the group members. This includes the meetings with Jean and Francis.
By registering for Meditation on Nature of Mind, Part I, you are committing to
All Vast & Profound online activities and other events without overhead are offered free of charge, including the Meditation on Nature of Mind, Part I group study program.
You can register by sending an email to Once you register, a program syllabus will be sent to you.
Register soon; space is limited.
Thank you,
Francis and Jean
Vast & Profound