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Vast & Profound is non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that presents Dharma teachings free of charge and donates to other charitable organizations in the US and India. Your tax-deductible gift will directly support these activities. Thank you for your generosity.

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Vast & Profound c/o M. Potegian
1106 Manhattan Ave., #3
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

49-Day Puja Offerings for Sacha

As you know, Sacha passed to her next life on Sunday, December 1. Sacha was kind and generous to those of us who traveled to Lone Pine for V&P retreats over the past ten years. Teachings and meditations were held in her living room, and we had meals on her deck with a view of the Sierras - including Mt. Whitney - that was unrivaled. Most of all, we experienced her great joy, good humor, and encouragement to continue spiritual practice. In fact, her wish to have continued spiritual practice on her property inspired her to bequeath her property to Vast & Profound. Vast & Profound would like to repay her kindness by asking our dear friend Geshe Tengye la and his Labrang at Ganden Shartse to organize pujas over the next 49 days for Sacha to quickly take a precious human rebirth. You are invited to join in by making an offering that will be sent for the pujas.

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