Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Hope you are all taking care of your physical body by staying at home, washing your hands and keeping a distance when out collecting supplies. We are also hoping that you are remaining at peace through your meditation and practice of the Dharma.
Recently we were requested by our dharma friend Sarah to give a retreat online while we are stuck in limbo and have some extra time. We thought an online course would be a good idea to take the essence of our precious human rebirth while we still have one.
We decided to have a Zoom intensive on Monk's notes, Turning Toward Awareness. Some of you who have previously received his teachings have told us that Monk's notes really changed your lives. His notes emphasize how we can stop viewing ourselves as ordinary and therefore limited. Then we can begin to see our lives as an expression of the limitless qualities of our Buddha nature: love/compassion, wisdom, and ability. Monk's presentation uncovers the engineering behind our dysfunctional mind, as well as explaining how the mind can be transformed. He intended the notes to serve as a foundation for westerners to establish a Dharma practice.
It has been a number of years since we have presented Monk's notes, and many of you have never received them. So we thought now's the time to do it again. We have a plan for a 7 week intensive course on Zoom. The course will take place on weekdays. Sessions will start Tuesday, March 24th and end on Wednesday, May 6th.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, chapters of the book will be presented from 3-5pm PDT.
Wednesdays and Fridays, 3-5pm PDT there will be group discussions on the chapters.
For those of you who plan to attend it would be most helpful to have a copy of Turning Toward Awareness. It is available from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. The ebook is also available from Amazon for $3.99. If you do buy the book from Amazon please purchase it through Amazon Smile, listing Vast & Profound as your preferred charity, if you do not already have a charity you donate to via Amazon Smile.
If you plan to attend the classes please reply to this email and we will email you an invitation link to join the Zoom meeting each day before the meeting.
Hoping to see you online soon.
Much Love,
Francis and Jean