
HEART OF JOY - An Online Study Group Program by Francis and Jean Paone

October 14, 2020
Jean Paone
Avalokiteshvara, cave painting, 6th century, Ajanta caves, Maharashtra.

The Mahayana practiced in India and Tibet, our Buddhist legacy, is a rich, lively wellspring of inspiration and guidance in the ways and means of love, compassion, altruism, and bodhicitta. Just hearing the teachings about these states of mind is so uplifting. When we also practice these teachings, love, compassion and bodhicitta become more present in our heart and mind. As that presence continues to develop and stabilizes, our goodwill and happiness spontaneously radiate into the world. In the Bodhicharyavatara, Shantideva imagines bodhicitta as a horse that carries bodhisattvas from joy to joy. What a wonderful metaphor. We are so fortunate to have found these treasured teachings that have the power to transform our minds and enable us to bring happiness and joy wherever we go. Rare in the world any time, but rare and greatly needed at this time.

Heart of Joy is a group study course that follows the steps to generate bodhicitta as they are presented by the great Mahayana masters. The program begins with cultivating renunciation of worldly activities, and ends with mind training advice from the great Kadampa masters.


The course starts November 1, 2020, and continues until mid-March. A two-week break for the holidays begins December 20. The program resumes January 3, 2021.

Heart of Joy Program Topics      

  1. Renunciation, or the Aspiration to Be Free from Suffering - Weeks 1&2
  2. Altruism and the Bodhisattva Path - Weeks 3&4
  3. Developing Bodhicitta - Weeks 5-10
  4. Great Compassion - Weeks 11&12
  5. Aspirational and Engaged Bodhicitta - Weeks 13&14
  6. Mind Training - Weeks 15&16

The Benefits of Study Groups

Study groups enable active learning through sharing individual exploration of Dharma teachings with other sangha members. The group is like a sounding board for trying out new ideas or work toward clarification of difficult points. The sharing of unique insights promotes learning from one another. Each person can express their understanding of their studies and contemplations, and their experience of the teachings. Interpretations may vary, and that is to be expected and encouraged. Discussing differences offers opportunities to uncover the richness of the teachings and broaden our view of the practices.

How the Heart of Joy Study Group System Works

Each participant will be a member of an online group of at least five and at the most seven people.  Each topic will be studied and contemplated over a two-week period.

During the first week of a two-week section, each participant will read the assigned teachings for the topic and meditate on them. Then the group members will meet online to discuss the readings and share their contemplations.   

During the second week, the individual participants will continue studying and contemplating the topic to deepen their understanding and experience. At the end of the second week, each group will meet online with either Francis or Jean. Each participant will make a short presentation (around 10 minutes) about the topic and their meditations on it. There will also be a Q&A session.

The following week, the participants will begin a new topic and follow the same procedure until all the topics have been completed.

Francis and Jean will individually meet with each group on an alternating schedule.  

How the Groups are Formed

A schedule will be set up on Instructions to follow.

How the Groups Function

Each group must meet once a week, but can meet more often.  

Groups should assign one person as a facilitator at the start of the first meeting.That role can be retained by the original person, or rotate among group members from topic to topic. Facilitators will begin each meeting with refuge and bodhicitta recitations, and end the meeting by dedicating merit. They also keep the meetings moving and keep things on time, and they are responsible for having the group agree on decisions that may have to be made.

In addition, one or more persons in the group will be responsible for setting up the Zoom meetings for the group and sending out the invitations to Zoom to the group members. This includes the meetings with Jean and Francis. If no one in the group pays for the Zoom account, let us know. (Free accounts are allowed sessions that are only 45 minutes long.)

How to Participate in Heart of Joy

Before registering for Heart of Joy, consider that by registering, you are committing to:

  1. Participate in the entire 16-week program
  2. Read the required teaching materials
  3. Contemplate the teachings
  4. Attend and take part in the group meetings
  5. Present your understanding and experience of the teachings

All Vast and Profound Dharma online activities and other events that have no overhead are offered free of charge, and that includes the Heart of Joy group study program.  

You can register by sending an email to:

Please let us know as soon as you can if you want to participate. Space is limited.


Thank you,

Francis and Jean

Vast & Profound